How Dental Implant Placement and Aftercare Works
January 2, 2023A dental implant is a metal post that is placed into the jawbone beneath or below a missing tooth (or multiple missing teeth). They serve as an anchor or root for a replacement tooth, which is typically a crown for single tooth replacement. They are non-removable (unlike dentures) and last much longer than dentures or fixed bridges on average. They also offer exceptional functionality benefits, allowing the patient to eat how they desire. Patients can also care for their dental implants the same way as they would natural teeth.
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Nutrition: What You Eat Affects Your Teeth
January 2, 2023Your mouth, teeth, and gums are more than just tools for eating. They are essential for chewing and swallowing—the first steps in the digestion process. Your mouth is your body’s initial point of contact with the nutrients you consume. What you put in your mouth impacts not only your general health but also that of your teeth and gums. In fact, if your nutrition is poor, the first signs often show up in your mouth.
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Partial Dentures
January 2, 2023Partial dentures are a great tooth replacement option for missing teeth. They are easier on the mouth than full dentures but not as costly as dental implants. Those that wear partial dentures can expect an easier eating experience, better speaking and an aesthetically pleasing smile.
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Sleep Apnea
January 1, 2023Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most undiagnosed, untreated serious medical disorder in our country. An estimated 22 million Americans are living with sleep apnea (around 18% of the adult population). Men are twice as likely as women to have sleep apnea. Children as young as two years old can suffer from this condition. As we age, the rate of sleep apnea increases significantly.
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