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Navigating Home Care Options

Navigating Home Care Options

January 2, 2023

When we think of our loved ones growing older, the image that often comes to mind is of cozy family gatherings where grandmother and grandfather share stories of the past. But as time marches on, these dear family members may need additional care.

Deciding on the best care for our aging loved ones can be challenging. Understanding the home care options available can make this journey a bit easier for everyone involved.

Home Care

Imagine your grandmother, now 85, has been living independently since your grandfather passed away. While she’s still active, you’ve noticed she is not as agile as she used to be. Maybe a little help on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings to start her day, prepare some meals, and perform light household chores will help her maintain her independence.

Home care services are generally unskilled or nonclinical tasks designed to make daily living easier and more comfortable for the elderly.

Home Care Services:
  • Light house cleaning
  • Meal preparation
  • Safe transportation
  • Companionship
  • Medication reminders
  • Assistance with basic daily activities

The cost of home care usually ranges from $35  $45 per hour, and it can be covered through private pay or the Elderly Waiver (Medicaid) program.

When weighing care options, keep in mind the value of comparison. If your loved one uses home care for eight hours a day, it will cost approximately the same as moving them into an assisted living community that provides 24-hour care.

Home Health Care

Now, let’s shift our scenario a bit. After a fall, your grandmother is hospitalized. Following her surgery to repair her fractured hip, her physician recommends physical therapy to regain her strength and to prevent further falls.

Skilled nursing services are different from home care services because they involve skilled medical professionals administering complex medical treatments and therapies, often under the direct guidance of a physician, to address the specific health needs of the individual.

The goal is to deliver specialized care and therapies to improve health outcomes and enhance the overall well-being and functionality of individuals in need of skilled care.

Home Health Care Services:
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Wound care
  • Intravenous therapy and injections
  • Monitoring serious illnesses

To qualify for skilled nursing services, individuals must meet certain criteria. Fortunately, once they qualify, the expenses for these services are typically covered by insurance or Medicare.

Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean it comes without its set of challenges. Whether it’s the simpler tasks of daily living or the more complex health concerns, our loved ones deserve the best care. By understanding the different home care options available, we can ensure they continue to live their golden years with grace, dignity, and comfort.

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