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A Seniors Guide to Estate Planning

  • A Seniors Guide to Estate Planning
    January 3, 2023

    Estate planning is crucial for older adults, yet many lack essential documents like wills and powers of attorney. These legal tools guide your representatives in fulfilling your end-of-life wishes, reduce the burden on loved ones, and prevent family conflicts after you are gone.

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  • Build an Estate Plan With Our Help
    January 3, 2023

    Broadly speaking, an estate plan (either a will-based estate plan or a trust-based estate plan) encompasses the accumulation, conservation, and distribution of an estate. A good estate plan will enhance and maintain the financial security of individuals and their families.

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  • Could Medicaid Payback Rules Come to an End?
    January 2, 2023

    Medicaid, a program providing health insurance for low-income Americans, has a controversial estate recovery component. When Medicaid recipients pass away, states attempt to recover the funds spent on their medical care. This can lead to devastating financial consequences for families, especially those with lower incomes. U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky introduced the Stop Unfair Medicaid Recoveries Act to end estate recovery, but its immediate progress remains uncertain.

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  • Do You Need a Will?
    January 2, 2023

    What happens when a person dies without a Will? Good question. In this article, I will discuss what a Will does and doesn’t do, the myths and the law regarding Wills.

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  • Estate Planning Odds n’ Ends
    January 2, 2023

    Estate planning is all about the details. Here are some scenarios – wills, gifting, Medicaid, powers of attorney, etc. – that have come up recently in helping our clients work through their estate planning decisions.

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  • Estate Planning With Dementia on the Rise
    January 2, 2023

    Although you may never have to deal with the challenges that arise with a dementia diagnosis, it is still vital that you complete your estate plan early, while you have the mental capacity legally required to make estate planning decisions and execute estate planning documents.

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  • Execute a Power of Attorney Before It’s Too Late
    January 2, 2023

    A durable power of attorney is an extremely important estate planning tool, even more important than a will in many cases.

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  • Financial Caregiving
    January 2, 2023

    We tend to only consider the physical aspect of caregiving: medication management, bathing, feeding, assistance with daily chores, etc. However, the financial aspect of caregiving, e.g., paying bills, handling banking, investment and insurance accounts, preparing and filing tax returns, is equally crucial.

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  • Help Protect Finances of Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s
    January 2, 2023

    If you have a loved one showing signs of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, you’ll obviously experience some strong emotions—and you’ll likely ask yourself this question: What can I do to help?

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  • High School Graduation: A Good Time for Financial Planning
    January 2, 2023

    Whether your child is graduating with their high school diploma or completing higher education, it’s important to help them plan for their financial future. You want to set a strong foundation for long-term financial stability by broadening their scope of financial literacy. Sharing the following tips can help prepare them.

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