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Understanding and Preparation Leads to Graceful Aging

  • Understanding and Preparation Leads to Graceful Aging
    January 1, 2024

    One day, while looking in the mirror, Melissa noticed that her skin was not as...

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  • Assisted Living: What Does That Mean?
    January 3, 2023

    We receive many calls from family members trying to decide if or when Mom or Dad should go to a residential assisted living community. That can be a tough decision, so here is some general information that might help explain what residential assisted living is all about.

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  • Hospice Care
    January 2, 2023

    The primary purpose of hospice care is to manage pain and other symptoms during the last six months of life where treatments focus on comfort rather than curing the underlying disease.

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  • Life After a Dementia Diagnosis
    January 2, 2023

    Many elderly people who are diagnosed with dementia are unprepared for future care. If you or someone you love has received a dementia diagnosis, it is imperative that you seek guidance. Elder law attorneys can be great resources in the process of implementing a plan to deal with care expenses.

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  • Life After Diagnosis
    January 2, 2023

    Once testing is complete, the doctor will review results and share conclusions. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease reflects a doctor’s best judgment about the cause of a person’s symptoms.

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  • Medical Tests for Diagnosing Alzheimer’s
    January 2, 2023

    There is no single diagnostic test that can determine if a person has Alzheimer’s disease. Physicians (often with the help of specialists such as neurologists, neuropsychologists, geriatricians and geriatric psychiatrists) use a variety of approaches and tools to help make a diagnosis. Although physicians can almost always determine if a person has dementia, it may be difficult to identify the exact cause.

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  • Medication Safety
    January 2, 2023

    Make sure all health care team members know about any prescription and over-the-counter medications, including herbal or vitamin supplements a person is taking to ensure medication safety.

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  • Personal Identity and Dementia
    January 2, 2023

    Who we are is important. When a person has dementia that sense of who we are may diminish.

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  • The Caregivers’ Information Checklist
    January 1, 2023

    Organizing crucial information about an elderly loved one is akin to assembling a compass for an intricate journey. As time unfolds, the aging process can introduce unexpected twists and turns, accompanied by shifts in health, financial dynamics, and legal circumstances. In the role of caregiver, anticipating and preparing for these transitions is essential.

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  • The Relationship Between Aging and Malnutrition
    January 1, 2023

    As we age, we’re confronted with physical issues that we never had to deal with in our younger days. We tire more easily, and we nap more frequently. Our senses may weaken, and we don’t see, hear or smell as well as we used to. We feel aches and pains that we never felt before. There is another issue that we don’t always think about that can play a partial role in all of the above, and that is malnutrition.

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